A-Flutter vs AFIB: What Are The Differences Between the Two?


Atrial flutter(A-flutter) and Atrial fibrillation(AFib) are arrhythmias related to abnormal heart rhythms.

Atrial flutter is a type of heart rhythm disorder in which the heart's upper chambers beat too quickly.

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Atrial fibrillation is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm that can lead to blood clots in the heart.

AFib is more common than A-flutter and is often associated with aging and other underlying health conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, and obesity.[National Library of Medicine]

Atrial flutter is often caused by a short-circuiting of the normal impulse in a loop that revolves around the top right chamber of the heart.[UChicago Medicine]

Symptoms of AFib and A-flutter include palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pain.[British Heart Foundation]

AFib is usually treated first with medication, whereas A-flutter is usually treated with catheter ablation.[British Heart Foundation]

AFib is often treated with blood-thinning medications and/or electrical cardioversion, a procedure that uses electricity to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm. [Johns Hopkins Medicine]

A-flutter can be converted to normal sinus rhythm with electrical cardioversion or medication. [National Library of Medicine]

Both AFib and A-flutter require careful monitoring to minimize the risk of complications.