Home » Heart Health » What is a heart healthy diet?
A heart-healthy diet plan is the best way to strengthen one of the most precious organs in your body, your heart. Despite the advances in health care, heart conditions continue to be a primary cause for concern around the world. Today, over 11 million (ref. link) people in Europe suffer from cardiovascular disorders (CDVs), whereas in the UK alone, about 7.6 million (ref. link) people live with a type of heart or circulatory condition.
Years of research (ref. link) have shown that having a poor diet is associated with an increased risk of heart conditions. Therefore, a cornerstone of improving your heart health is a heart-healthy diet, including foods from various food groups like fruits, nuts, whole grains, vegetables, vegetable-based oils, and more. These foods can help reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL), lower blood pressure, and decrease triglycerides in your blood.
As such, simply choosing a healthier diet plan can help you address and combat many risk factors for heart-related conditions. In other words, you can reduce the chance of developing certain health conditions in the future by making such positive lifestyle changes now.
While diet alone is not enough to ensure a healthy heart, it is a great place to start. So, here are six things to keep in mind about a heart-healthy diet plan.
Add vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to your meals and snacks; select lean proteins and limit your intake of processed foods. Also, remember to watch your portion sizes and try new food combinations in your heart-healthy diet plan. This will ensure you get all the nutrients you need while making meals more interesting.
All this being said, you shouldn’t forget to allow yourself an occasional treat to balance things out. With planning and healthy food substitutions for a well-balanced diet, you can ensure your heart is in good shape and lower the risk of heart diseases.
Finally, maximise the health benefits of eating healthy by monitoring numerous important cardiac metrics with the revolutionary Frontier X2
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